Thursday, May 7, 2009

Daily Activity

As you know I am trying to make better choices about what I eat and how much I move. I have been really down lately -- my life is different and I am trying to get used to it -- but it is not easy. I feel like all I ever do is watch TV, check the computer, and feed the baby. I don't mind the baby bit ... but I don't want my life to resort to the TV and computer. I have made some goals with myself to help keep me motivated. Some of my daily tasks include: exercising, drinking 6-8 glasses of water, tracking what I eat, eating breakfast, cleaning my house, and taking time out for JEN!

To accomplish some of these tasks, I have started walking to the grocery store with Jace every day. While there we pick up what we need for dinner that night. I think this is genius actually -- when we go, I get to exercise AND drink water. CHECK! While we are there I can only get a small number of items ... since I can't push a cart and a stroller I have to use a small hand basket -- so I don't go overboard on my spending. I am going to be saving money because I only get the essential items AND I will be USING the essential items that night. I mean I'm not going to walk all the way to Harmons, buy the food, then not use it! In the past -- we would buy enough groceries to last a week or two and then end up eating out most of the days. SO we would spend money eating out AND on all of the food that would go to waste in our fridge.

I am excited to try new recipes. When I find a recipe that I like, I am going to post it on my new blog: -- there is a link to the right, along with my latest "masterpiece"! I am totally pumped for this new project AND it is really fun to take a picture of my meal before I eat it.

I am trying to change my life ... and am excited for the progress that I am making. Jen time for today (blogging): CHECK!


John and Kim said...

I'm so excited for you! You are taking your life into your own hands, I wish I could do that. I love to see you grow as a mom and a women. Keep up the good work!

Buck & Ashley Higgs said...

You should totally buy the Biggest Loser cookbooks! I love them and they actually have good recipes in them. I have both of them so if you want to borrow them to check them out. . .let me know!