Having a planned C-Section ended up being a much relaxing way to have a baby! We woke up in the morning of the 23rd, showered, and got ready. I put make up on and did my hair -- knowing that several photo opportunities were in my near future. After making a quick stop to the high school (oh a different story for a different day) we made our way to the hospital. From there, things went pretty quickly. I figured that we would have some time to kill, so we brought a variety of games to play, and to our surprise, we really didn't have time to play any of them.
Within about 3o minutes, little Elsie Alice was born. As you know, her gender was a surprise. I've heard that having a surprise is such an emotional rush once the announcement is made. For me though, it was a moment of confusion. When it is time to pull Elsie out, Dr. Merrill says: Oh Jennifer, it's a good thing that we took him c-section! He's got a big head! I thought to myself: "Ok, we have a boy! We have two boys. Two boys will be fun. I have a boy. It's a boy" I really wanted a little girl, but I was ok with a boy too. Two brothers. Fun. But then, the doctor that was assisting Dr. Merrill pointed out ... "It's a girl!" WHAT? A GIRL? I have a girl? I'm SO confused! Well, indeed ... I did get my little girl!
Mama and Elsie
Daddy and Elsie
It's hard to imagine how your love can be split between two kids. I guess love isn't a 100% quantity though -- there is no maximum! I love Jace just as much as I ever have -- perhaps more and this little 10 lb 10 oz Elsie Alice has just as much hold on my heart as her big brother. Joe and I are very very blessed! And she is beautiful!!
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